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i+12 Biobank

The i+12 Biobank comprises the connection unit with the i+12 Biomedical Research Institute. This unit oversees the management of samples and data generated by the health care services provided at the Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre for their use in biomedical research. As a transversal platform of the i+12 Research Institute, it serves as a non-profit public service establishment, where samples and data of great interest are obtained, processed and stored for making advances in the health sector. The biobank guarantees the quality, safety and traceability of all the samples and data it stores, as well as of the operating procedures associated with the biological material requested from the Biobank. One of the main purposes of our Biobank is to ensure the competitiveness and excellence of both national and international research by ensuring compliance at all times with the legislation in force and protecting the rights of donors.

The i+12 Biobank was authorized by the Regional Ministry of Health of the Spanish Autonomous Region of Madrid in 2013, and was registered in the National Registry of Biobanks, belonging to the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), with No. B.0000657, as required by Spanish Royal Decree 1716/2011 governing the basic requirements for the authorization and operation of Biobanks for biomedical research purposes, and the treatment of human samples. In addition, our biobank is a member of the Spanish National Biobank Network Platform at the request of the ISCIII (PT17/0015/001).



General services

  • Hosting and custody of human samples.
  • Transfer of human samples for biomedical research and provision of clinical data in accordance with the legislation in force.
  • Histological sections sent frozen or embedded in paraffin.
  • Immunohistochemical sections.
  • Extraction of nucleic acids.
  • Mutation studies.
  • Design and development of procedures and techniques for the collection, processing and preservation of human biological samples.
  • Ethical and legal counselling on the preservation and possible uses of human biological samples in research projects.


  • Urology collection.
  • Hematology collection.
  • Immunology collection.
  • Genetics collection.
  • Tumor bank collection.
  • Cardiology collection.
  • Psychiatry collection.
  • Dermatology collection.
  • Allergy collection.
  • DRECE (Dieta y Riesgo de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares en España [Dietary Habits and Cardiovascular Risk in the Spanish Population]) study collection.
  • NEDICES (Neurological Disorders in Central Spain) study collection.
  • Collection of Blood from Healthy Donors.

Collections Catalogue (Spanish)

The i+12 Biobank is based in the Pathological Anatomy Service and spans a surface of 96 m2 divided into two areas: the reception and laboratory area, and the cryopreservation area.

The samples and associated data enter and exit through the reception and laboratory areas, the latter of which features two work stations for the biobank technicians, each equipped with two computers, two printers, one label reader and the sample and data management application to ensure their traceability. This area also contains the technical coordination office and the sample processing and aliquoting laboratory where, in addition to the processing of samples, the extraction of nucleic acids is performed along with the necessary controls to guarantee the samples’ quality. The processing laboratory is equipped with a refrigerator that reaches -20 oC, a laminar flow hood, two centrifuges, a thermoblock, a nucleic acid extractor, a nanodrop, a bioanalyzer, a cryotome, a thermal cycler and a microscope.

On the other hand, the cryopreservation area holds the frozen sample preservation unit comprised by a total of 12 ultra-freezers that reach a temperature of -80 oC and are equipped with CO2 cartridges, a nitrogen storage container, a central alarm system and a temperature monitoring control system.


Ownership: Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre.

The party responsible for data processing: Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre.

Scientific Management: Dr. José Luis Rodríguez Peralto.

Biobank Technical Coordinator: Dr. Alicia Maroto Pérez.

i+12 Biobank contact information:

  • Location: Pathological Anatomy Service/ Plant S1 /Main Building of the Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre. Avenida de Córdoba s/n, 28041 Madrid
  • Contact telephone Nos.:
    • Biobank Reception: 91 390 89 16
    • Biobank Technical Coordination: 91 390 89 17
  • E-mail:


Composition External Committees (Spanish)