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About Us

The Research Institute Hospital 12 de Octubre in Madrid (i+12 Institute) was created on 15 December 2009 by an agreement signed between the Madrid Health Service, the Complutense University of Madrid, the Autonomous University of Madrid, the Foundation for Biomedical Research of the 12 de Octubre Hospital and the Pedro Laín Entralgo Agency for Training, Research and Health Studies of the Community of Madrid. Subsequently, in 2015 the CIEMAT (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas) and the European University were integrated.

The i+12 Institute is conceived as a functional structure of multidisciplinary and translational biomedical research focused on basic, clinical, epidemiological and health services research. The Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre is the basic nucleus of the Institute, connecting teaching and research staff from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), the Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT), and from theEuropean University (UE), as well as research groups of Primary Care of the Community of Madrid, being the Foundation for Biomedical Research of this hospital, the Institute’s managing entity. The Institute includes in the same figure assistance, research and teaching.

The i+12 Institute is conceived as a dynamic and integrating structure, oriented towards collaboration and association with other agents and related entities in its environment. In this context, the Institute is currently in the process of incorporating new partners that will strengthen and complement the activity carried out by its professionals.

Entities that currently make up the Institute


  • Promote basic quality, clinical, epidemiological and health services research.
  • Encourage and develop programmes and projects of research or training of researchers, with special attention to the scientific training of professionals in research methodology and the needs of the field of Primary Care.
  • Ensure the quality, ethics and deontological principles of research.
  • Promote the participation of the research groups of the Research Institute Hospital 12 de Octubre in stable cooperative research structures.
  • Promote a culture of research in health excellence facilitating relationships and collaboration between research professionals with research projects with lines and interests that are common to the Research Institute Hospital 12 de Octubre.
  • Encourage the efficient use of resources and infrastructure of the Research Institute Hospital 12 de Octubre.
  • Promote the transfer of results:
    • To society and the health system, transferring the knowledge generated from its activity to clinical practice.
    • To the scientific community, transmitting its activity through the publications and scientific records generated by the Research Institute Hospital 12 de Octubre.
    • To the economic system, encouraging innovation and the transfer of results.