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The i+12 Institute has developed and produced a methodology for prioritising research, the application of which enables it to define and organise the lines of work of its professionals in 9 large Scientific Areas. Each of these Areas has a Coordinator, who is responsible for the coordination of the research activities that take place in their Area, within the strategic lines of the i+12 Institute. The Coordinator is in charge of elaborating the Cooperative Scientific Plan of their Research Area in accordance with the research lines of the Institute.

Nowadays, the Area’s Coordinators are:

  1. “Cancer”Dr. José Luis Rodríguez Peralto
  2. “Chronic Diseases and Transplantation”Dr. Manuel Praga Terente
  3. “Rare and Genetically Based Diseases”Dr. Miguel Ángel Martín Casanueva
  4. “Epidemiology and evaluation of Technologies, Sanitary Services and Information Systems”Dr. Agustín Gómez de la Cámara
  5. “Cardiovascular”Dr. Héctor Bueno Zamora
  6. “Inflammatory Diseases and Immune Disorders”Dr. José Luis Pablos Álvarez
  7. “Infectious diseases and AIDS”Dr. Rafael Delgado Vázquez
  8. “Neurosciences and Mental Health”Dra. Eva Carro Díaz
  9. “Transversal Area”Dr. Javier Fernández Martínez