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Kidney Transplant


The Research Group in Kidney Transplantations was created to contribute to the numerical advances made in this therapy and to the improvement of its results in terms of graft and patient survival, the quality of the recovered kidney function, and the reduction and control of its complications. The group’s vocation for research dates back to the eighties of the twentieth century with the conduct of the first kidney transplantations. Our scientific activity has been broad and constant ever since. This is reflected in the large number of publications of our members in scientific journals and conference communications, as well as their participation in numerous teaching activities, conferences and the organization of training courses on kidney transplantations.

Scientific objectives and lines of work

The lines of work of this research group are the following:

  1. Scope of kidney transplantations.
  2. Kidney transplants from asystolic donors.
  3. Immunosuppression and kidney transplantations.
  4. Rejection in kidney transplantations.
  5. Risk of a lack of primary kidney function or of poor kidney function in renal transplantations.
  6. Cardiovascular complications following kidney transplantations.
  7. Infectious complications following kidney transplantations.
  8. Other complications following kidney transplantations.