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Cognition and Psychosis


The research group in Cognition and Psychosis has the aim the study of the cognitive processes in neuropsychiatric disorders, especially in psychotic ones. It is an independent research group which principal interest is the study of cognition (neurocognition and social cognition) and their relationship with functioning and quality of life of the patients. The group is especially interested in schizophrenia and related disorders and bipolar disorder. More recently, the group has developed new lines of research about the role and application of new technologies in the treatment of the psychotic disorders.

This group work in collaboration since 2008, with the MATRICS initiative of the NIH of USA, and have worked in the development of the MCCB and BIFCA in our country.

The main objective of the research group is the study of cognitive processes in psychotic disorders.

The specific aims are:

  1. Study of Neurocognition and Social Cognition, and the relationship between them in psychotic patients.
  2. Study of the influence of neurocognition and social cognition in the evolution and functionality in patients with psychotic disorders, taking in consideration the influence of other variables as positive or negative symptoms.
  3. Study of treatments (cognitive remediation or pharmacological approaches) to improve neurocognition and social cognition, and their influence in the functionality of the patient.
  4. Study of the role of new technologies in the diagnostic and therapeutic processes of the psychotic disorders.