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The FIBH12O Foundation


The i+12 Institute has its own management structure, differentiated and common to all its professionals, responsible for carrying out scientific and economic-administrative management, providing:

  • Advice, management and administrative support to scholarship applications, awards, research projects, clinical trials and research agreements.
  • Dissemination of calls for aid to research, both from external agencies and those of the i+12 Institute.
  • Comprehensive management of research grants and clinical trials developed in the i+12 Institute, in its economic aspects, approval, human resources and organisation and logistics.
  • Management of the procedure and negotiation for the collection of resources from private funding sources: agreements, contracts and donations.
  • Facilitation of the incorporation of Human Resources to the i+12 Institute for the development of activities specific to research groups.
  • Dissemination of the research results of the i+12 Institute.
  • Advice on the entire process of innovation and transfer of scientific results obtained by professionals.

The Foundation for Biomedical Research of the Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre (FIBH12O) was created according to DECREE 189/2003, of 24 July. As stated in the Collaboration Agreement for the development and creation of the i+12 Institute, this Foundation is designated as the managing entity thereof, which is why it is the entity that gives the Institute its own legal personality.

Currently, the position of Director of the Foundation for Biomedical Research of “Hospital 12 de Octubre” is held by Ms. Mª Mar López Martín.


The functions assigned to the FIBH12O are the following:

  • Promote and coordinate the realisation and development of scientific research programmes applied to Biomedicine and Health Sciences.
  • Facilitate the research and training of research staff in collaboration with the Complutense University of Madrid and with other public and private institutions that direct their activities in this field.
  • Project the progress of research, information and experience to society and the healthcare environment.
  • Promote the optimal use of resources put at the service of research, ensuring effectiveness, efficiency and quality.
  • Develop of research and knowledge management inspired by the principle of legality, ethical principles and professional deontology.
  • Facilitate the financing and management of research processes.

Anything else, related to that already mentioned, agreed by the Board of the Foundation and, in a generic way, to carry out all actions that are conducive to the best achievement of its purposes.

Access to the documentation of the FIBH12O