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Critical Patient


The main lines of research of the Research Group in Infections of the Critical Patient are the following:

  1. Donation and transplantation of organs.
  2. Infections in critical patients.
  3. Nutritional treatment of critical patients.
  4. Serious traumatic diseases.
  5. Simulation in critical patients.
  6. Other aspects of critical patients.

The objectives of the Research Group in Infections of the Critical patients are the following:

Line 1: Donation and transplantation of organs.

  • To improve the quality of the organs donated by means of actions applied to the donor.
  • To implement and cooperate in the development of new techniques to obtain organs (uncontrolled or controlled asystole, etc.).
  • To analyze the characteristics of the immediate post-operative period in liver transplantations from a global perspective to detect risk patterns for the onset of complications.
  • To investigate the role of extracorporeal liver clearance techniques in acute liver failure secondary to graft dysfunction.
  • To assess the characteristics of the post-operative evolution of patients who have received a graft from a donor in cardiac arrest.

Line 2: Infections in critical patients.

  • To develop actions aimed at improving the monitoring and prevention of nosocomial infections.
  • To implement measures to improve the different aspects of antimicrobial treatment

Line 3: Promoting research on nutritional treatment in critical patients.

  • To examine the possibilities of nutritional assessment and the calculation of requirements.
  • To further study the metabolic and nutritional characteristics of liver transplantations.
  • To analyze problems related to enteral and parenteral nutrition.

Line 4: Serious traumatic diseases.

  • To administer the initial care of patients with serious trauma.
  • To analyze aspects derived from treatments with blood components.
  • To monitor and identify treatment objectives.

Line 5: Simulation in critical patients.

  • To develop and evaluate simulation models.
  • To identify clinical scenarios for the simulation.

Line 6: Other aspects of critical patients.

  • Extracorporeal clearance and/or support systems.
  • Ethical aspects and humanization in the care of critical patients.
  • Music therapy in the intensive care unit (ICU).
  • Organization of critical patient care.