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Male’s Integral Health


The Research Group in Men’s Integral Health was formed in response to a growing demand in the healthcare field. There is an established relationship between prostatic pathologies, sexual alterations and testosterone deficiencies. Men tend to develop more diseases and pass away at a younger age than women. Men, because of their sex, suffer from a series of specific pathologies that do not affect women. The most common type of malignancy among men is prostate cancer, and the most prevalent benign disorder is benign prostatic hyperplasia. Over 50% of men aged 50 years or more experience erectile dysfunction, and 20% of males over the age of 65 have a testosterone deficiency. Multiple studies have discovered an association between these pathologies, focusing on the existence of common pathophysiological pathways. As a result, multiple treatments have been developed to jointly treat these pathologies: tadalafil, testosterone replacement therapy and other treatments.

The Research Group in Men’s Health was consequently created with a view to pool our current knowledge and efforts to develop a program aimed at improving research on these pathologies.

This work group is formed by a team of professionals involved in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate pathologies, andrology and reconstructive surgery of the male genital area.

Scientific objectives and lines of work

  • Prostate cancer: treatment assessment in castration-resistant prostate cancer.
  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia: evaluation and differentiation of adenomatous tissue.
  • Erectile dysfunction: identification of the relationship between sexual dysfunction related to systemic diseases and erectile dysfunction as a frame for integral healthcare.
  • Peyronie’s disease: diagnostic tools and basic study of its pathophysiological pathways.
  • Late-onset phimosis: in relation to the human papilloma virus (HPV).