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Neurotraumatology and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage



Carabias, CS, Castaño-León AM, Navarro, BB, Panero, I, Eiriz, C, Gomez, PA, Egea, J, Lagares, A (2020).

Serum Amyloid A1 as a Potential Intracranial and Extracranial Clinical Severity Biomarker in Traumatic Brain Injury.

JOURNAL OF INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE. Article. 35(11):1180-1195.
Cepeda, S, Castaño-León AM, Munarriz, PM, Paredes, I, Panero, I, Eiriz, C, Gomez, PA, Lagares, A (2020).

Effect of decompressive craniectomy in the postoperative expansion of traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage: a propensity score-based analysis.

JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY. Article. 132(5):1-13.
Castaño-Leon AM, Paredes, I, Munarriz, PM, Jimenez-Roldan, L, Hilario, A, Calatayud, M, Hernandez-Lain, A, Garcia, E, Garcia, A, Lagares, A, Alen, JF (2020).

Endoscopic Transnasal Trans-Sphenoidal Approach for Pituitary Adenomas: A Comparison to the Microscopic Approach Cohort by Propensity Score Analysis.

NEUROSURGERY. Article. 86(3):348-356.
Garcia-Perez, D, Panero, I, Lagares, A, Gonzalez, P (2020).

De Novo Cavernous Malformation Associated with a Pre-existing Developmental Venous Anomaly : Could Magnetic Resonance Findings Predict Evolution?

CLINICAL NEURORADIOLOGY. Editorial Material. 30(1):181-184.
Paredes I, M Munarriz P, Toldos O, Castaño-León AM, Panero I, Eiriz C, García-Pérez D, Pérez-Núñez A, Lagares A, F Alen JA (2020).


WORLD NEUROSURGERY. Article. 135:87-95.
Arikan, F, Errando, N, Lagares, A, Gandara, D, Gabarros, A, Lopez-Ojeda, P, Ibáñez J, Brell, M, Gomez, PA, Fernandez-Alen, JA, Morera, J, Horcajadas, A, Vanaclocha, V, Llacer, JL, Baño-Ruiz E, Gonçalves-Estella JM, Torne, R, Hoyos, JA, Sarabia, R, Arrese, I, Rodriguez-Boto, G, de la Lama, A, Dominguez, J, Martin-Laez, R, Santamarta-Gomez, D, Delgado-Lopez, PD, Ley-Urzaiz, L, Mateo, O, Iza, B, Orduna-Martinez, J, de Asís Lorente-Muñoz F, Muñoz-Hernández F, Iglesias, J, Vilalta, J (2020).

Variability of Clinical and Angiographic Results Based on the Treatment Preference (Endovascular or Surgical) of Centers Participating in the Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Database of the Working Group of the Spanish Society of Neurosurgery.

Martinez-Perez, R, Paredes, I, Rayo, N, de la Rosa, P, Diaz Molina J, Lagares, A (2020).

Factors predicting outcome of surgical treatment of spontaneous spinal hematomas: a retrospective cohort study in four tertiary reference centers.

Carabias CS, Gomez PA, Panero I, Eiriz C, Castaño-León AM, Egea J, Lagares A, i+12 Neurotraumatology Group collaborators, Paredes I, Fernández Alén JA, Moreno-Gómez LM, García-Pérez D, Chico-Fernández M, Barea-Mendoza J (2020).

YKL-40, SAA1, CRP and PCT are promising biomarkers for intracranial severity assessment of traumatic brain injury: Relationship with Glasgow Coma Scale and CT volumetry.

WORLD NEUROSURGERY. Article. 134:120-143.


Perez, IP, Garcia-Perez, D, Abascal, AL (2019).

Positive Outcome of Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy in Fourth Ventricular Outlet Obstruction

WORLD NEUROSURGERY. Editorial Material. 132:135-137.
Panero I, San-Juan R, Eiriz C, García-Pérez D, Paredes I, González C, Recio R, Carretero O, Lagares A, Gómez PA (2019).

Uncommon case of Mycobacterium bovis brain abscess complicated by suppurative fistula, and review of the literature.

REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA. Review. 69(10):417-422.
Perez, IP, Fernandez, CE, Perez, DG, Lagares, A, Roldan, LJ, Alen, JAF, Leon, AMC, Paredes, I (2019).

Transcranial cerebellar herniation following craniotomy: Case report and literature review

NEUROCIRUGIA. Article. 30(6-7):294-299.
Castaño-Leon AM, Cicuendez, M, Navarro, B, Paredes, I, Munarriz, PM, Cepeda, S, Hilario, A, Ramos, A, Gomez, PA, Lagares, A (2019).

Longitudinal Analysis of Corpus Callosum Diffusion Tensor Imaging Metrics and Its Association with Neurological Outcome.

JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA. Article. 36(19):2785-2802.
Cicuendez, M, Castano-Leon, A, Ramos, A, Hilario, A, Gomez, PA, Lagares, A (2019).

The added prognostic value of magnetic resonance imaging in traumatic brain injury: The importance of traumatic axonal injury when performing ordinal logistic regression

JOURNAL OF NEURORADIOLOGY. Article. 46(5):299-306.
Vande Vyvere T, Wilms G, Claes L, Martin Leon F, Nieboer D, Verheyden J, van den Hauwe L, Pullens P, Maas AIR, Parizel PM, Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Inj (2019).

Central versus Local Radiological Reading of Acute Computed Tomography Characteristics in Multi-Center Traumatic Brain Injury Research.

JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA. Article. 36(7):1080-1092.
Panero Perez I, Castano Leon AM, Gandia Gonzalez ML, Kolias, A (2019).

Call to participate in the international study of traumatic brain injury results (Global Neurotrauma Outcomes Study)

NEUROCIRUGIA. Article. 30(2):77-80.
van Essen, TA, den Boogert, HF, Cnossen, MC, de Ruiter, GCW, Haitsma, I, Polinder, S, Steyerberg, EW, Menon, D, Maas, AIR, Lingsma, HF, Peul, WC, Cecilia, A, Hadie, A, Vanni, A, Judith, A, Krisztina, A, Norberto, A, Nada, A, Lasse, A, Azasevac, A, Audny, A, Anna, A, Hilko, A, Gerard, A, Kaspars, A, Philippe, A, Luisa, AM, Camelia, B, Rafael, B, Ronald, B, Pal, B, Ursula, B, Romuald, B, Ronny, B, Javier, BF, Bo-Michael, B, Antonio, B, Remy, B, Habib, B, Thierry, B, Maurizio, B, Luigi, B, Christopher, B, Federico, B, Harald, B, Erta, B, Morten, B, Hugo, D, Pierre, B, Peter, B, Alexandra, B, Vibeke, B, Joanne, B, Camilla, B, Andras, B, Monika, B, Emiliana, C, Rosa, CM, Peter, C, Guillermo, CL, Marco, C, Elsa, C, Carpenter, K, Ana, CL, Francesco, C, Giorgio, C, Arturo, C, Giuseppe, C, Maryse, C, Mark, C, Jonathan, C, Lizzie, CK, Johnny, C, Jamie, DC, Marta, C, Amra, C, Nicola, C, Endre, C, Marek, C, Claire, DF, Francois, D, Pierre, D, Helen, D, Veronique, D, Francesco, DC, Bart, D, Godard, CWD, Dula, D, Ding, SH, Diederik, D, Abhishek, D, Emma, D, Jens, D, Guy-Loup, D, George, E, Heiko, E, Ari, E, Patrick, E, Erzsebet, E, Martin, F, Valery, LF, Feng, JF, Kelly, F, Francesca, F, Gilles, F, Ulderico, F, Shirin, F, Alex, F, Pablo, G, Damien, G, Dashiell, G, Gao, GY, Karin, G, Pradeep, G, Alexandre, G, Lelde, G, Benoit, G, Ben, G, Jagos, G, Pedro, AG, Francesca, G, Russell, LG, Deepak, G, Juanita, AH, Iain, H, Jed, AH, Raimund, H, Eirik, H, Daniel, H, Astrid, H, Stefan, H, Lindsay, H, Jilske, H, Peter, JH, Kristine, HA, Bram, J, Stefan, J, Mike, J, Bojan, J, Jiang, JY, Kelly, J, Konstantinos, K, Mladen, K, Ari, K, Maija, K, Thomas, K, Riku, K, Angelos, GK, Balint, K, Erwin, K, Ksenija, K, Daniel, K, Lars-Owe, K, Noemi, K, Alfonso, L, Linda, L, Steven, L, Fiona, L, Christian, L, Rolf, L, Valerie, L, Jin, L, Leon, L, Roger, L, Hester, L, Dirk, L, Angels, L, Andrew, IRM, Stephen, M, Marc, M, Marek, M, Sebastian, M, Alex, M, Geoffrey, M, Didier, M, Francisco, ML, Costanza, M, Armando, M, Hugues, M, Alessandro, M, Julia, M, Charles, M, Catherine, M, Bela, M, David, M, Tomas, M, Cristina, MK, Davide, M, Visakh, M, Lynnette, M, Holger, M, Nandesh, N, Ancuta, N, David, N, Virginia, N, Daan, N, Quentin, N, Jozsef, N, Mauro, O, Annemarie, O, Matej, O, Fabrizio, O, Aarno, P, Paul, MP, Adriana, P, Jean-Francois, P, Natascha, P, Vincent, P, Paolo, P, PeulWilco, Anna, PK, Sebastien, PF, Matti, P, Horia, P, Antonia, PM, Suzanne, P, Inigo, P, Jussi, P, Louis, P, Andreea, R, Arminas, R, Rahul, R, Malinka, R, Ruben, R, Veronika, R, Jonathan, R, Samuli, R, Saulius, R, Cecilie, R, Olav, R, Gerwin, R, Jonathan, R, Jeffrey, R, Christina, R, Guy, R, Rolf, R, Sandra, R, Daniel, R, Martin, R, Marco, S, Barbara, S, Juan, S, Oliver, S, Francesca, S, Renan, SP, Janos, S, Edgar, S, Luminita, S, Davide, S, Nadine, S, Inger, S, Barbara, S, Silke, S, Herbert, S, Guus, S, Frederik, SR, Elisabeth, S, Michael, S, Ozcan, S, Toril, S, Lidwien, S, Dirk, S, Peter, S, Abayomi, S, Emmanuel, S, Simon, S, Nicole, S, Ana, S, Robert, S, William, S, Ewout, WS, Nino, S, Nina, S, Anneliese, S, Silvio, TF, Riikka, T, Viktoria, T, Paivi, T, Steven, TM, Braden, TA, Olli, T, Ralph, T, Guido, T, Alice, T, Matt, T, Dick, T, Christos, T, Luaba, TJF, Tony, T, Maria, TC, Peter, V, Shirley, V, Egils, V, Gregory, V, Mathieu, V, Joukje, V, Jeroen, TJMV, Thomas, AV, Wim, V, Caroline, V, Dominique, V, Thijs, VV, Julia, V, Audrey, V, Alessia, V, Emmanuel, V, Kimberley, V, Jan, V, Paul, MV, Anne, V, Rimantas, V, Giacinta, V, Carmen, VL, Victor, V, Daphne, V, Peter, V, Zoltan, V, Derick, W, Kevin, KWW, Lei, W, Lars, W, Eno, W, Guy, W, Lindsay, W, Maren, KLW, Stefan, W, Peter, Y, Alexander, Y, Menashe, Z, Yang, ZH, Agate, Z, Fabrizio, Z, CENTER-TBI Investigators Partici (2019).

Variation in neurosurgical management of traumatic brain injury: a survey in 68 centers participating in the CENTER-TBI study

ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA. Article. 161(3):435-449.
Hilario A, Hernandez-Lain A, Sepulveda JM, Lagares A, Perez-Nunez A, Ramos A (2019).

Perfusion MRI grading diffuse gliomas: Impact of permeability parameters on molecular biomarkers and survival

NEUROCIRUGIA. Article. 30(1):11-18.


Gomez, PA, Castano Leon AM, Lora, D, Cepeda, S, Lagares, A (2018).

Final outcome trends in severe traumatic brain injury: a 25-year analysis of single center data

ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA. Article. 160(12):2291-2302.
Castano-Leon, AM, Navarro-Main, B, Gomez, PA, Gil, A, Soler, MD, Lagares, A, Bernabeu, M, V Steinbuchel N, Real RGL (2018).

Quality of Life After Brain Injury: Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Translation of the QoLIBRI

van Veen, Ernest, van der Jagt, Mathieu, Cnossen, Maryse C., Maas, Andrew I. R., de Beaufort, Inez D., Menon, David K., Citerio, Giuseppe, Stocchetti, Nino, Rietdijk, Wim J. R., van Dijck, Jeroen T. J. M., Kompanje, Erwin J. O., CENTER-TBI Investigators (2018).

Brain death and postmortem organ donation: report of a questionnaire from the CENTER-TBI study

CRITICAL CARE. Article. 22(1):306-306.
Castano-Leon AM, Cicuendez, M, Navarro, B, Munarriz, PM, Cepeda, S, Paredes, I, Hilario, A, Ramos, A, Gomez, PA, Lagares, A (2018).

What Can Be Learned from Diffusion Tensor Imaging from a Large Traumatic Brain Injury Cohort?: White Matter Integrity and Its Relationship with Outcome

JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA. Article. 35(20):2365-2376.
Huijben JA, Volovici V, Cnossen MC, Haitsma IK, Stocchetti N, Maas AIR, Menon DK, Ercole A, Citerio G, Nelson D, Polinder S, Steyerberg EW, Lingsma HF, van der Jagt M, CENTER-TBI investigators and participants (2018).

Variation in general supportive and preventive intensive care management of traumatic brain injury: a survey in 66 neurotrauma centers participating in the Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) study.

CRITICAL CARE. Article. 22(1):90-90.
Munarriz, PM, Paredes, I, Alen, JF, Castaño-Leon AM, Cepeda, S, Hernandez-Lain, A, Lagares, A (2018).

Assessment of the correlation between histological degeneration and radiological and clinical parameters in a series of patients who underwent lumbar disc herniation surgery

NEUROCIRUGIA. Article. 29(2):79-85.
Navarro-Main, B, Castaño-León AM, Munarriz, PM, Gomez, PA, Rios-Lago, M, Lagares, A (2018).

Brain injury knowledge in family members of neurosurgical patients

NEUROCIRUGIA. Article. 29(1):1-8.


Arikan Abelló F, Ley Urzaiz L, Fernández Alén J, Martín Láez R, Grupo de Trabajo de Patología Vascular de la Sociedad Española de Neurocirugía (2017).

Antithrombotic treatment consensus protocol (anticoagulation and; antiplatelet therapy) during the perioperative and periprocedural period; in neurosurgery

NEUROCIRUGIA. Article. 28(6):284-293.
Cicuendez M, Castaño-León A, Ramos A, Hilario A, Gómez PA, Lagares A (2017).

Magnetic resonance in traumatic brain injury: A comparative study of the; different conventional magnetic resonance imaging sequences and their; diagnostic value in diffuse axonal injury

NEUROCIRUGIA. Article. 28(6):266-275.
Martinez-Perez R, Paredes I, Lagares A (2017).


WORLD NEUROSURGERY. Letter. 101:799-800.
Martínez-Pérez R, Cepeda S, Paredes I, Alen JF, Lagares A (2017).

MRI Prognostication Factors in the Setting of Cervical Spinal Cord; Injury Secondary to Trauma

WORLD NEUROSURGERY. Article. 101:623-632.
Martínez-Pérez R, Paredes I, Munarriz PM, Paredes B, Alén JF (2017).

Chronic traumatic encephalopathy: The unknown disease

NEUROLOGIA. Article. 32(3):185-191.
Medina-Rodríguez EM, Bribián A, Boyd A, Palomo V, Pastor J, Lagares A, Gil C, Martínez A, Williams A, de Castro F (2017).

Promoting in vivo remyelination with small molecules: a neuroreparative; pharmacological treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. Article. 7:43545-43545.
Fortea F, Masjuan J, Arikán-Abello F, Rovira A, González A, Arenillas J, Fernández Alen J, Gállego J (2017).

Criteria for training and accreditation in Interventional; Neuroradiology-Neurointervention, approved by the Spanish Group of; Interventional Neuroradiology (GENT), the Spanish Society of; Neuroradiology (SENR), the Spanish Group of Cerebrovascular Diseases; (GEECV), the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN), and the vascular; disease specialists in the Spanish Society of Neurosurgery (SENEC).; Requirements for accreditation in Interventional; Neuroradiology-Neurointervention for institutions and specialists

NEUROLOGIA. Review. 32(2):106-112.
Álvarez Salgado JA, González-Llanos Fernández de Mesa F, Villaseñor Ledezma JJ, Cañizares Méndez ML, Paredes Sansinenea I, Rodríguez de Lope-Llorca A, Mollejo Villanueva M (2017).

Ectopic craniopharyngioma and Gardner's syndrome: Case report and; literature review

NEUROCIRUGIA. Review. 28(2):97-101.
Martinez-Perez R, Munarriz PM, Paredes I, Cotrina J, Lagares A (2017).

Cervical Spinal Cord Injury without Computed Tomography Evidence of; Trauma in Adults: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Prognostic Factors

WORLD NEUROSURGERY. Article. 99:192-199.
Gómez PA, Castaño-León AM, Lora D, Cepeda S, Lagares A (2017).

Trends in computed tomography characteristics, intracranial pressure; monitoring and surgical management in severe traumatic brain injury:; Analysis of a data base of the past 25 years in a neurosurgery; department

NEUROCIRUGIA. Article. 28(1):1-14.
Panero, I, Eiriz, C, Lagares, A, Toldos, O, Panero, A, Paredes, I (2017).

Intradural-Extramedullary Capillary Hemangioma with Acute Bleeding: Case; Report and Literature Review

Cicuendez M, Castaño-León A, Ramos A, Hilario A, Gómez PA, Lagares A (2017).

Prognostic value of corpus callosum injuries in severe head trauma

ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA. Article. 159(1):25-32.
Paredes I, Orduna J, Fustero D, Salgado JA, de Diego JM, de Mesa FG (2017).

Endoscopic temporal ventriculocisternostomy for the management of; temporal horn entrapment: report of 4 cases

JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY. Article. 126(1):298-303.
Hilario A, Sepulveda JM, Hernandez-Lain A, Salvador E, Koren L, Manneh R, Ruano Y, Perez-Nuñez A, Lagares A, Ramos A (2017).

Leakage decrease detected by dynamic susceptibility-weighted; contrast-enhanced perfusion MRI predicts survival in recurrent; glioblastoma treated with bevacizumab



Castano-Leon, AM, Navarro, B, Gomez, PA, Gil, A, Solers, MD, Lagares, A, Bernabeu, M, von Steinbuchel, N, Real, RG (2016).

Psychometric properties of the Spanish translation of the quality of; life after brain injury (QOLIBRI) questionnaire

QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH. Meeting Abstract. 25:151-151.
Paredes I, Castaño-Leon AM, Cepeda S, Alen JF, Salvador E, Millán JM, Lagares A (2016).

The Effect of Cranioplasty on Cerebral Hemodynamics as Measured by Perfusion Computed Tomography and Doppler Ultrasonography

JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA. Article. 33(17):1586-1597.
Castaño-Leon AM, Lora D, Munarriz PM, Cepeda S, Paredes I, de la Cruz J, Gómez Lopez PA, Lagares A (2016).

Predicting Outcomes after Severe and Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury: An External Validation of Impact and Crash Prognostic Models in a Large Spanish Cohort

JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA. Article. 33(17):1598-1606.
Cepeda S, Gómez PA, Castaño-Leon AM, Munarriz PM, Paredes I, Lagares A (2016).

Contrecoup Traumatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Geometric Study of the Impact Site and Association with Hemorrhagic Progression

JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA. Article. 33(11):1034-1046.
Alvarez-Alonso MJ, Morales-Muñoz I, Castaño-León AM, Lagares A, Rubio G, Jurado-Barba R (2016).

Single Case Study: Neuropsychological Functioning in a Patient Diagnosed with Intermittent Explosive Disorder Pre and Post Neurosurgery

León Ruiz M, Lagares Gómez-Abascal A, Fernández Alén JA, Benito-León J, García-Albea Ristol E (2016).

Subarachnoid haemorrhage from a ruptured intracranial mirror-like aneurysm. A case report and literature review

NEUROLOGIA. Letter. 31(4):283-285.
Munarriz PM, Gómez PA, Paredes I, Castaño-Leon AM, Cepeda S, Lagares A (2016).

Basic Principles of Hemodynamics and Cerebral Aneurysms

WORLD NEUROSURGERY. Review. 88:311-319.
Castano-Leon, Ana M., Hernandez-Lain, Aurelio, Maronas, Lidia, Lopez, Patricia, Llorente Ayuso, Lucia, Ramos, Ana, Perez-Regadera, Jose, Jimenez Roldan, Luis (2016).

Pathology-confirmed cerebral arterial invasion and recurrent multiple brain metastasis from cardiac myxoma without evidence of disease after surgery and radiotherapy

Lobato, Ramiro D., Jimenez Roldan, Luis, Alen, Jose F., Castano, Ana M., Munarriz, Pablo M., Cepeda, Santiago, Lagares, Alfonso (2016).

Competency-based Neurosurgery Residency Programme

NEUROCIRUGIA. Article. 27(2):75-86.
F Alén J, Arikan Abelló F, Lagares A (2016).

Comment on the study ``Criteria for education and training in Interventionist-Neuro-Interventionism Neuroradiology, agreed by the Spanish Interventionist Neuroradiology Group of the Spanish Neuroradiology Society and the Expert Group of the Spanish Neurosurgery and Neurology. A basis for obtaining Accreditation in centres and specialists in Interventionist-Neuro-Interventionism Neuroradiology'', by F. Alen et al.

NEUROCIRUGIA. Editorial Material. 27(1):49-50.
Arikan F, Fernández-Alén J, Grupo de Trabajo de Patología Vascular de la Sociedad Española de Neurocirugía (2016).

Criteria for education and training in Interventionist-Neuro-Interventionism Neuroradiology, agreed by the Spanish Interventionist Neuroradiology Group (GENI) of the Spanish Neuroradiology Society (SENR) and the Expert Group of the Spanish Neurosurgery (SENEC) and Neurology (SEN). A basis for obtaining Accreditation in centres and specialists in Interventionist-Neuro-Interventionism Neuroradiology

NEUROCIRUGIA. Article. 27(1):41-48.
Navarro-Main, Blanca, Rios-Lago, Marcos, Antonio Perianez, Jose, Lubrini, Genny, Lagares, Alfonso, Ignacio Quemada, Jose, Alvarez-Linera, Juan (2016).

Cognitive performance and brain white matter in TBI: Are there any differences among diffusion-tensor indexes?

Brain Injury. Meeting Abstract. 30(5-6):764-765.


Lagares A, Jiménez-Roldán L, Gomez PA, Munarriz PM, Castaño-León AM, Cepeda S, Alén JF (2015).

Prognostic Value of the Amount of Bleeding After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Quantitative Volumetric Study

NEUROSURGERY. Article. 77(6):898-907.
Cepeda, Santiago, Gomez, Pedro A., Castano-Leon, Ana Maria, Martinez-Perez, Rafael, Munarriz, Pablo M., Lagares, Alfonso (2015).

Traumatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Risk Factors Associated with Progression

JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA. Article. 32(16):1246-1253.
Lagares A, Munarriz PM, Ibáñez J, Arikán F, Sarabia R, Morera J, Gabarrós A, Horcajadas Á (2015).

Variability in the management of aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage in Spain: Analysis of the prospective multicenter database from the Working Group on Neurovascular Diseases of the Spanish Society of Neurosurgery

NEUROCIRUGIA. Article. 26(4):167-179.
Paredes I, Castaño-León AM, Munarriz PM, Martínez-Perez R, Cepeda S, Sanz R, Alén JF, Lagares A (2015).

Cranioplasty after decompressive craniectomy. A prospective series analyzing complications and clinical improvement

NEUROCIRUGIA. Article. 26(3):115-125.
Lobato, Ramiro D., Lagares, Alfonso, Villena, Victoria, Alen, Jose F., Jimenez-Roldan, Luis, Munarriz, Pablo M., Blanco, Antonio, Jorge, Lucia, Garcia Seoane, Jorge (2015).

The method of selection of the residents in Spain. Analysis of the examination MIR and offer of a new methodology

NEUROCIRUGIA. Article. 26(2):53-63.
Lobato RD, Lagares A, Villena V, García Seoane J, Jiménez-Roldán L, Munarriz PM, Castaño-Leon AM, Alén JF (2015).

Selection of medical graduates for residency posts. A comparative study of the methodologies used in different countries

NEUROCIRUGIA. Article. 26(1):3-12.
Maas AI, Menon DK, Steyerberg EW, Citerio G, Lecky F, Manley GT, Hill S, Legrand V, Sorgner A (2015).

Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI): A Prospective Longitudinal Observational Study

NEUROSURGERY. Article. 76(1):67-80.


Gomez, Pedro A., de-la-Cruz, Javier, Lora, David, Jimenez-Roldan, Luis, Rodriguez-Boto, Gregorio, Sarabia, Rosario, Sahuquillo, Juan, Lastra, Roberto, Morera, Jesus, Lazo, Eglis, Dominguez, Jaime, Ibanez, Javier, Brell, Marta, de-la-Lama, Adolfo, Lobato, Ramiro D., Lagares, Alfonso (2014).

Validation of a prognostic score for early mortality in severe head injury cases

JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY. Article. 121(6):1314-1322.
Gomez, Pedro A., Castano-Leon, Ana M., de-la-Cruz, Javier, Lora, David, Lagares, Alfonso (2014).

Trends in epidemiological and clinical characteristics in severe traumatic brain injury: Analysis of the past 25 years of a single centre data base

NEUROCIRUGIA. Article. 25(5):199-210.
Cepeda, Santiago, Hernandez-Lain, Aurelio, Munarriz, Pablo M., Martinez Gonzalez, Miguel Angel, Lagares, Alfonso (2014).

Spinal tanycytic ependymoma associated with neurofibromatosis type 2

CLINICAL NEUROPATHOLOGY. Letter. 33(4):311-314.
Hilario A, Sepulveda JM, Perez-Nuñez A, Salvador E, Millan JM, Hernandez-Lain A, Rodriguez-Gonzalez V, Lagares A, Ramos A (2014).

A Prognostic Model Based on Preoperative MRI Predicts Overall Survival in Patients with Diffuse Gliomas

Martínez-Pérez R, Paredes I, Cepeda S, Ramos A, Castaño-León AM, García-Fuentes C, Lobato RD, Gómez PA, Lagares A (2014).

Spinal Cord Injury after Blunt Cervical Spine Trauma: Correlation of Soft-Tissue Damage and Extension of Lesion

Delgado F, Saiz A, Hilario A, Murias E, San Román Manzanera L, Lagares Gomez-Abascal A, Gabarrós A, González García A (2014).

Seguimiento mediante técnicas de neuroimagen de los aneurismas cerebrales tratados por vía endovascular.

RADIOLOGIA. Abstract of Published Item. 56(2):118-128.
Martinez-Perez, Rafael, Jimenez-Roldan, Luis, LagaresL, Alfonso (2014).

Ligaments disruption: a new perspective in the prognosis of spinal cord injury

NEURAL REGENERATION RESEARCH. Editorial Material. 9(5):456-457.
Castaño-Leon AM, Cicuendez M, Paredes I, Alen JF, Navia P, Lagares A (2014).

Coil embolization of ruptured frontopolar artery aneurysm: Case report

NEUROCIRUGIA. Article. 25(2):73-76.
Munarriz PM, Castaño-Leon AM, Cepeda S, Campollo J, Alén JF, Lagares A (2014).

Endovascular treatment of a true posterior communicating artery aneurysm.

Surgical Neurology International. Article. 5(Suppl 12).


Lobato RD, Lagares A, Alén JF (2013).

Considerations on the design of a new competency-based resident programme and the need to combine it with the classic teaching-learning model

NEUROCIRUGIA. Editorial Material. 24(5):191-196.
Munarriz PM, Castaño-Leon AM, Martinez-Perez R, Hernandez-Lain A, Ramos A, Lagares A (2013).

Tumefactive multiple sclerosis requiring emergency craniotomy: Case report and literature review

NEUROCIRUGIA. Review. 24(5):220-224.
Alen, Jose F., Lagares, Alfonso, Lobato, Ramiro D. (2013).

Microarteriovenous malformations Response

JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY. Editorial Material. 119(3):593-593.
Alen, Jose F., Lagares, Alfonso, Paredes, Igor, Campollo, Jorge, Navia, Pedro, Ramos, Ana, Lobato, Ramiro D. (2013).

Cerebral microarteriovenous malformations: a series of 28 cases Clinical article

JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY. Article. 119(3):594-602.
Munarriz PM, Paredes I, Cicuendez M, Lagares A (2013).

Acute Confusional Syndrome and Hypopituitarism Produced by a Giant Aneurysm of Internal Carotid Artery

Paredes I, Martinez-Perez R, Munarriz PM, Castaño-Leon AM, Campollo J, Alén JF, Lobato RD, Lagares A (2013).

Intracranial dural arteriovenous fistulae. Experience after 81 cases and literature review

NEUROCIRUGIA. Review. 24(4):141-151.
Hilario, A., Ramos, A., Lagares, A. (2013).

Traumatic Brain Stem Injury: Evaluation by MRI REPLY

Hilario A, Ramos A, Lagares A (2013).

Traumatic brain stem injury: evaluation by MRI. Author reply.

Ramos, Ana, Hilario, Amaya, Lagares, Alfonso, Salvador, Elena, Perez-Nunez, Angel, Sepulveda, Juan (2013).

Brainstem Gliomas

SEMINARS IN ULTRASOUND CT AND MRI. Article. 34(2, 2):104-112.
Jimenez-Roldan, Luis, Alen, Jose F., Gomez, Pedro A., Lobato, Ramiro D., Ramos, Ana, Munarriz, Pablo M., Lagares, Alfonso (2013).

Volumetric analysis of subarachnoid hemorrhage: assessment of the reliability of two computerized methods and their comparison with other radiographic scales Clinical article

JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY. Article. 118(1):84-93.
Jimenez-Roldan, Luis, Alen, Jose F., Gomez, Pedro A., Lobato, Ramiro D., Ramos, Ana, Munarriz, Pablo M., Lagares, Alfonso (2013).

Volumetric analysis of subarachnoid hemorrhage: assessment of the reliability of two computerized methods and their comparison with other radiographic scales Clinical article

NEUROSURGICAL FOCUS. Article. 34(1):84-93.


Hilario, A., Ramos, A., Millan, J. M., Salvador, E., Gomez, P. A., Cicuendez, M., Diez-Lobato, R., Lagares, A. (2012).

Severe Traumatic Head Injury: Prognostic Value of Brain Stem Injuries Detected at MRI

Martin-Laez, Ruben, Ibanez, Javier, Lagares, Alfonso, Fernandez-Alen, Jose, Diez-Lobato, Ramiro, Soc Espanola Neurocirugia (2012).

Was the current surplus of neurosurgeons predictable in 2009? Analysis of the situation based on the Report of supply and demand of medical specialists in Spain (2008-2025)

NEUROCIRUGIA. Article. 23(6):250-258.
Cicuendez, Marta, Paredes, Igor, Munarriz, Pablo M., Hilario, Amaya, Cabello, Ana, Lagares, Alfonso (2012).

Primary melanoma of the cauda equina: Case report and review of the literature

NEUROCIRUGIA. Review. 23(3):112-115.
Viejo-Sobera, Raquel, Rios-Lago, Marcos, Perianez, Jose A., Lubrini, Genny, Ramos, Ana, Lagares, Alfonso, Cicuendez, Marta, Gonzalez-Marques, Javier, Alvarez-Linera, Juan (2012).

Dissociating Slowness During Different Stages Of Information Processing In Traumatic Brain Injury

Brain Injury. Meeting Abstract. 26(4-5):665-666.
Hilario, A., Ramos, A., Perez-Nunez, A., Salvador, E., Milian, J. M., Lagares, A., Sepulveda, J. M., Gonzalez-Leon, P., Hernandez-Lain, A., Ricoy, J. R. (2012).

The Added Value of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient to Cerebral Blood Volume in the Preoperative Grading of Diffuse Gliomas

Lagares, Alfonso, Cicuendez, Marta, Ramos, Ana, Salvador, Elena, Alen, Jose F., Kaen, Ariel, Jimenez-Roldan, Luis, Millan, J. M. (2012).

Acute perfusion changes after spontaneous SAH: a perfusion CT study

ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA. Article. 154(3):405-412.
Lagares, Alfonso, Fernandez Alen, Jose A., Lobato, Ramiro D. (2012).

A New Phase

NEUROCIRUGIA. Editorial Material. 23(1):1-2.
Martinez-Perez R, Hernandez-Lain A, Paredes I, Munarriz PM, Castaño-Leon AM, Lagares A (2012).

Acute neurological deterioration as a result of two synchronous hemorrhagic spinal ependymomas.

Surgical Neurology International. Article. 3:33-33.


Vila, M., Sanchez-Salcedo, S., Cicuendez, M., Izquierdo-Barba, I., Vallet-Regi, Maria (2011).

Novel biopolymer-coated hydroxyapatite foams for removing heavy-metals from polluted water

Kaen, Ariel, Lagares, Alfonso, Gomez, Pedro A. (2011).

Interhemispheric hygroma RESPONSE

JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY. Letter. 115(1):195-195.
Lagares, A., Gomez, P. A., Alen, J. F., Arikan, F., Sarabia, R., Horcajadas, A., Ibanez, J., Gabarros, A., Morera, J., de la Lama, A., Ley, L., Goncalves, J., Maillo, A., Dominguez, J., Llacer, J. L., Arrese, I., Santamarta, D., Delgado, P., Rodriguez Boto, G., Vilalta, J. (2011).

Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: group of study of Cerebrovascular Pathology of the Spanish Society of Neurosurgery management guideline

NEUROCIRUGIA. Article. 22(2):93-115.
Paredes I, Cicuendez M, Delgado MA, Martinez-Pérez R, Munarriz PM, Lagares A (2011).

Normal pressure subdural hygroma with mass effect as a complication of decompressive craniectomy.

Surgical Neurology International. Article. 2:88-88.


Kaen, Ariel, Jimenez-Roldan, Luis, Alday, Rafael, Gomez, Pedro A., Lagares, Alfonso, Fernandez Alen, Jose, Lobato, Ramiro D. (2010).

Interhemispheric hygroma after decompressive craniectomy: does it predict posttraumatic hydrocephalus? Clinical article

JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY. Article. 113(6):1287-1293.
Sarabia, R., Lagares, A., Fernandez-Alen, J. A., Arikan, F., Vilalta, J., Ibanez, J., Maillo, A., Gabarros, A., Dominguez, J., Horcajadas, A., Ballenilla, F., Rodriguez-Boto, G., Llacer, J. L., Arrese, I., de la Lama, A., Santamarta, D., Delgado, P., Munoz, Ma F. (2010).

Idiopathic subarachnoid hemorrhage: a multicentre series of 220 patients

NEUROCIRUGIA. Article. 21(6):441-451.
Peron, Stefano, Jimenez-Roldan, Luis, Cicuendez, Marta, Millan, Jose Maria, Ricoy, Jose Ramon, Lobato, Ramiro D., Alday, Rafael, Alen, Jose F., Lagares, Alfonso (2010).

Ruptured dissecting cerebral aneurysms in young people: report of three cases

ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA. Article. 152(9):1511-1517.
Cicuendez, Marta, Alen, Jose F., Ramos, Ana, Lobato, Ramiro D., Lagares, Alfonso (2010).

Spontaneous hemorrhage into a lumbar synovial cyst

EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL. Article. 19(2):190-192.
Lagares, A., Cicuendez, M., Amosa, M., Paredes, I., Millan, J., Ramos, A. (2010).

CT-perfusion unveils subarachnoid haemorrhage pathophysiology: relationship between acute perfusion abnormalities, clinical grade and bleeding severity

JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY. Meeting Abstract. 257(1):54-54.
Lagares, A., Jimenez Roldan, L., Fernandez Alen, J., Millan, J., Ramos, A. (2010).

Volumetric analysis of subaracnoid haemorrhage clot: new ways of assessing bleeding severity

JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY. Meeting Abstract. 257(1):55-55.
Kaen, Ariel, Jimenez-Roldan, Luis, Arrese, Ignacio, Delgado, Manuel Amosa, Lopez, Pedro Gomez, Alday, Rafael, Alen, Jose Fernandez, Lagares, Alfonso, Lobato, Ramiro D. (2010).

The Value of Sequential Computed Tomography Scanning in Anticoagulated Patients Suffering From Minor Head Injury

Lagares, Alfonso, Jose Rivas, Juan, Jimenez, Luis, Cicuendez, Marta, Avendano, Carlos (2010).

Central Demyelination in the Pathogenesis of Trigeminal Neuralgia Associated With Cerebellopontine Angle Tumors: Case Report With Ultrastructural Trigeminal Root Analysis

NEUROSURGERY. Article. 66(4):841-25.
Lobato, R. D., Lagares, A., Alen, J. F., Alday, R. (2010).

Implementation of the Bologna system in medical education. Current status and future prospects

NEUROCIRUGIA. Article. 21(2):146-156.
Lagares, Alfonso, Maria Millan, Jose, Ramos, Ana, Alen, Jose A. F., Hernandez Gallego, Jesus (2010).

Perfusion Computed Tomography in a Dural Arteriovenous Fistula Presenting With Focal Signs: Vascular Congestion as a Cause of Reversible Neurologic Dysfunction: Case Report

NEUROSURGERY. Article. 66(1):226-227.
Sanchez-Salcedo, S., Vila, M., Izquierdo-Barba, I., Cicuendez, M., Vallet-Regi, Maria (2010).

Biopolymer-coated hydroxyapatite foams: a new antidote for heavy metal intoxication

JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY. Article. 20(33):6956-6961.