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Physical Activity and Health


Our Research Group in Physical Exercise and Health is one of the leading reference groups in the design of exercise programs, including inpatient ones, boasting ample experience in the implementation of trials (‘randomized controlled trials’) concerning physical training for pediatric or adult cancer patients, patients with ‘graft-versus-host’ disease, hospitalized elderly patients, and patients with McArdle’s disease (type V glycogenesis), cystic fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension, etc.

The general objectives of our group are the following:

  1. To support the National Healthcare System in the prescription and implementation of exercise plans among the sick population.
  2. To further our current knowledge about the benefits of exercise from an epidemiological and biological-molecular viewpoint, particularly with respect to the prevention or attenuation of sarcopenia (loss of the muscle mass or function) associated with chronic diseases and aging.

The specific objectives of our group are the following:

  1. To create a transversal platform of Exercise Physiology that will serve as a therapeutic, diagnostic and continuous practical training support system for several healthcare services (cardiology, pulmonology, etc.).
  2. To develop the area of Exercise Physiology within the context of mitochondrial diseases similarly to what was done in the context of McArdle’s disease and hematological tumors (Service of Dr. Martínez López, with this area being led by Dr. Carmen Fiuza Luces).
  3. To support the publishing and scientific productivity strategies of other related research groups (statistical support, meta-analysis, strategies for the consolidation of young post-doctoral students, etc.).