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Investigación Traslacional en Cáncer Hereditario



Esteban-Villarrubia, J, Ballesteros, PA, Martín-Serrano, M, Vico, MR, Funes, JM, de Velasco, G, Castro, E, Olmos, D, Castellano, D, González-Billalabeitia, E (2024).

Mechanisms of Immune Evasion in PTEN Loss Prostate Cancer

Immuno. Review. 4(4):444-460.
Castro, E, Ellis, J, Craigie, S, Haltner, A, Nazari, J, Niyazov, A, Samjoo, IA (2024).

Comparative efficacy and safety of talazoparib plus enzalutamide and other first-line treatments for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer

Samjoo, IA, Disher, T, Castro, E, Ellis, J, Paganelli, S, Nazari, J, Niyazov, A (2024).

Predicting Treatment Effects from Surrogate Endpoints in Historical Trials in First-Line Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

Cheng, HH, Shevach, JW, Castro, E, Couch, FJ, Domchek, SM, Eeles, RA, Giri, VN, Hall, MJ, King, MC, Lin, DW, Loeb, S, Morgan, TM, Offit, K, Pritchard, CC, Schaeffer, EM, Szymaniak, BM, Vassy, JL, Katona, BW, Maxwell, KN (2024).

BRCA1, BRCA2, and Associated Cancer Risks and Management for Male Patients: A Review

JAMA oncology. Review.
Castro, E (2024).

PARP Inhibitor Addition to Androgen Receptor Pathway Inhibitors in Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer Should Be Limited to BRCA Mutation Carriers

European Urology Focus. Editorial Material. 10(4):504-505.
Romero-Laorden, N, Lorente, D, de Velasco, G, Lozano, R, Herrera, B, Puente, J, López, PP, Medina, A, Almagro, E, Gonzalez-Billalabeitia, E, Villla-Guzman, JC, González-del-Alba, A, Borrega, P, Laínez, N, Fernández-Freire, A, Hernández, A, Rodriguez-Vida, A, Chirivella, I, Fernandez-Parra, E, López-Campos, F, Pacheco, MI, Morales-Barrera, R, Fernández, O, Villatoro, R, Luque, R, Hernando, S, Castellano, DC, Castro, E, Olmos, D (2024).

Prospective Assessment of Bone Metabolism Biomarkers and Survival in Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer Patients Treated with Radium-223: The PRORADIUM Study

European Urology Oncology. Article. 7(3):447-455.
Bourlon, MT, Valdez, P, Castro, E (2024).

Development of PARP inhibitors in advanced prostate cancer

Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology. Review. 16.
de la Maza, MDF, Gracia, JLP, Miñana, B, Castro, E (2024).

PARP inhibitors alone or in combination for prostate cancer

Therapeutic Advances in Urology. Review. 16.
Calabrese, M, Saporita, I, Turco, F, Gillessen, S, Castro, E, Vogl, UM, Di Stefano, RF, Carfi, FM, Poletto, S, Farinea, G, Tucci, M, Buttigliero, C (2024).

Synthetic Lethality by Co-Inhibition of Androgen Receptor and Polyadenosine Diphosphate-Ribose in Metastatic Prostate Cancer

International Journal Of Molecular Sciences. Review. 25(1).


Chávarri-Guerra, Y, Bourlon, MT, Rodríguez-Olivares, JL, Orozco, L, Bazua, D, Rodríguez-Faure, A, Alcalde-Castro, MJ, Castro, E, Castillo, D, Herzog, J, Weitzel, J (2023).

Germline DNA Repair Genes Pathogenic Variants Among Mexican Patients With Prostate Cancer

Beije, N, Abida, W, Antonarakis, ES, Castro, E, de Wit, R, Fizazi, K, Gillessen, S, Hussain, M, Mateo, J, Morris, MJ, Olmos, D, Sartor, O, Sharp, A, Sweeney, CJ, de Bono, JS (2023).

PARP Inhibitors for Prostate Cancer: Tangled up in PROfound and PROpel (and TALAPRO-2) Blues.

EUROPEAN UROLOGY. Editorial Material. 84(3):253-256.
Chi, KN, Sandhu, S, Smith, MR, Attard, G, Saad, M, Olmos, D, Castro, E, Roubaud, G, Gomes, AJPD, Small, EJ, Rathkopf, DE, Gurney, H, Jung, W, Mason, GE, Dibaj, S, Wu, D, Diorio, B, Urtishak, K, del Corral, A, Francis, P, Kim, W, Efstathiou, E (2023).

Niraparib plus abiraterone acetate with prednisone in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer and homologous recombination repair gene alterations: second interim analysis of the randomized phase III MAGNITUDE trial

ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. Article. 34(9):772-782.
Smith, MR, Sandhu, S, George, DJ, Chi, KN, Saad, F, Thiery-Vuillemin, A, Stáhl, O, Olmos, D, Danila, DC, Gafanov, R, Castro, E, Moon, H, Joshua, AM, Mason, GE, Espina, BM, Liu, Y, Lopez-Gitlitz, A, Francis, P, Bevans, KB, Fizazi, K (2023).

Health-related quality of life in GALAHAD: A multicenter, open-label, phase 2 study of niraparib for patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer and DNA-repair gene defects

Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy. Article. 29(7):758-768.