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Riesgo Cardiovascular



Minué-Lorenzo, C, Olano-Espinosa, E, Minué-Estirado, M, Vizcaíno-Sánchez, JM, Camarelles-Guillem, F, Granados-Garrido, JA, Ruiz-Pacheco, M, Gámez-Cabero, MI, Martínez-Suberviola, FJ, Serrano-Serrano, E, Del Cura-González, I (2024).

Gender, smoking, and tobacco cessation with pharmacological treatment in a cluster randomized clinical trial



Bolibar Ribas B, Llobera-Cànaves J, García-Ortiz L, Bellón JÁ, Ramos R, García-Campayo J, Sánchez-Pérez Á, Claveria A, Martínez V, Vicens E, Minué C, Gil-Guillen V, Berenguera A, Moleras-Serra A (2023).

La Red de Investigación en Actividades Preventivas y Promoción de la Salud (redIAPP): una red de referencia e impulsora de la investigación en atención primaria.

ATENCION PRIMARIA. Article. 55(11):102694-102694.
Lozano Hernández CM, Medina-García R, de Hoyos-Alonso MC, Garrido-Barral A, Minué Lorenzo C, Sanz-Cuesta T, Serrano J, Del Rio Ponce A, Gómez-Gascón T, Del Cura-González I (2023).

Improvement in Quality of Life With the Use of a Technological System Among Patients With Chronic Disease Followed Up in Primary Care (TeNDER Project): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.

Jmir Research Protocols. Article. 12.
Camarelles Guillem F (2023).

¿Podrán los nuevos fármacos frenar la epidemia mundial de la obesidad y el sobrepeso?

ATENCION PRIMARIA. Editorial Material. 55(1):102518-102518.


Camarelles Guillem F (2022).

Implementar las actividades preventivas en la práctica clínica.

ATENCION PRIMARIA. Editorial Material. 54 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):102415-102415.
Córdoba García R, Camarelles Guillem F, Muñoz Seco E, Gómez Puente JM, San José Arango J, Ramírez Manent JI, Martín Cantera C, Del Campo Giménez M, Revenga Frauca J, Egea Ronda A, Cervigón Portaencasa R, Rodríguez Benito L (2022).

Recomendaciones sobre el estilo de vida. Actualización PAPPS 2022.

ATENCION PRIMARIA. Article. 54 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):102442-102442.
Córdoba García R, Camarelles Guillem F (2022).

Cribado e intervención breve en consumo de alcohol.

ATENCION PRIMARIA. Article. 54(7):102349-102349.
Olano-Espinosa E, Avila-Tomas JF, Minue-Lorenzo C, Matilla-Pardo B, Serrano Serrano ME, Martinez-Suberviola FJ, Gil-Conesa M, Del Cura-González I (2022).

Effectiveness of a Conversational Chatbot (Dejal@bot) for the Adult Population to Quit Smoking: Pragmatic, Multicenter, Controlled, Randomized Clinical Trial in Primary Care.

Jmir Mhealth And Uhealth. Article. 10(6).


Romero-Rodríguez E, Pérula-de Torres LA, Moscosio-Cuevas JI, Ruiz-Moral R, Jiménez-García C, Olaya-Caro I, Camarelles-Guillem F (2021).

Health-Related Lifestyles and Cancer-Preventive Behaviors of Medical and Nursing Students and Family Medicine Residents in Relation to the European Code Against Cancer.

JOURNAL OF CANCER EDUCATION. Article. 36(3):576-583.
Polentinos-Castro E, Biec-Amigo T, Delgado-Magdalena M, Flores-Acosta JM, Sánchez-Perruca L, Rabanal-Carrera A, Viñas-Calvo A, Camarelles-Guillem F (2021).

Enfermedades crónicas y multimorbilidad en pacientes con síndrome de aceite tóxico: estudio comparativo con población general.

Polentinos-Castro, Elena, Biec-Amigo, Teresa, Delgado-Magdalena, Marta, Flores-Acosta, Jose Ma, Sanchez-Perruca, Luis, Rabanal-Carrera, Alejandra, Vinas-Calvo, Aleydis, Camarelles-Guillem, Francisco (2021).

Chronic diseases and multimorbidiy in patients with toxic oil syndrome: a comparative study with general population

Romero-Rodríguez E, Pérula de Torres LÁ, Fernández García JÁ, Camarelles Guillem F (2021).

Consumo de alcohol de los estudiantes de Medicina, Enfermería y residentes de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria.

ATENCION PRIMARIA. Letter. 53(1):111-113.


Valencia Martín JL, Galán I, Segura García L, Camarelles Guillem F, Suárez Cardona M, Brime Beteta B (2020).

Episodios de consumo intensivo de alcohol “Binge drinking”: retos en su definición e impacto en salud.

Guillem, FC (2020).

Prevention and health promotion in times of change

ATENCION PRIMARIA. Editorial Material. 52(Suppl 2):1-2.
Garcia, RC, Guillem, FC, Seco, EM, Puente, JMG, Arango, JS, Manent, JIR, Cantera, CM, Gimenez, MD, Frauca, JR, PAPPS (2020).

PAPPS expert group. Lifestyle recommendations

ATENCION PRIMARIA. Article. 52(Suppl 2):32-43.
Romero-Rodriguez, E, Pérula de Torres LÁ, Ruiz Moral R, Fernández García JÁ, Parras Rejano JM, Roldán Villalobos A, Camarelles Guillem F, Collaborative Grp Alco-AP (2020).

Training health providers to address unhealthy alcohol use in primary care: a cross-sectional, multicenter study.

BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH. Article. 20(1):877-877.
Olano Espinosa E, Lozano Polo A, Grifell Guàrdia M, Pinet Ogué MC, Isorna Folgar M, Moreno Arnedillo JJ, en nombre del grupo de trabajo del Proyecto ÉVICT 1 (2020).

¿Por qué y cómo tener en cuenta al cannabis en nuestros pacientes fumadores?

ATENCION PRIMARIA. Article. 52(1):47-53.
Martin-Cantera, C, Sanmartín JMI, Martinez, AF, Lorenzo, CM, Cohen, VB, Jiménez MLC, Perez-Teijon, SC, Osca JARI, Garcia, RC, Fernandez, JL, Domenech MAG, Navascues MAM, Chaves, ES, Ibañez MLR, Rubio, VG, Rayo, SM, Otero, BM, Lopez, LG, Guillem, FC, Fuente, FM, Ruiz, DB, Rodríguez AIH, Caballero JDG, Moreno, CB, Pubil, MP, Grau, ML (2020).

Good practice regarding smoking cessation management in Spain: Challenges and opportunities for primary care physicians and nurses.

Tobacco Prevention & Cessation. Article. 6:55-55.


Avila-Tomas JF, Olano-Espinosa E, Minué-Lorenzo C, Martinez-Suberbiola FJ, Matilla-Pardo B, Serrano-Serrano ME, Escortell-Mayor E (2019).

Effectiveness of a chat-bot for the adult population to quit smoking: protocol of a pragmatic clinical trial in primary care (Dejal@).

Romero-Rodríguez E, Pérula de Torres LÁ, Parras Rejano JM, Leiva-Cepas F, Camarelles Guillem F, Fernández Márquez R, Fernández García JÁ (2019).

Prevalence of hazardous alcohol use among Spanish primary care providers.

BMC FAMILY PRACTICE. Article. 20(1):104-104.
Camarelles Guillem F, Fernández Alonso C, Galindo Ortego G (2019).

Aunando esfuerzos en Prevención y Promoción de la Salud con el PAPPS.

ATENCION PRIMARIA. Editorial Material. 51(4):195-197.
Minué-Lorenzo C, Olano-Espinosa E (2019).

Tobacco consumption, the forgotten factor in the calculation and approach of cardiovascular risk.

MEDICINA CLINICA. Editorial Material. 152(4):154-158.
Minué-Lorenzo C, Olano-Espinosa E, Del Cura-González I, Vizcaíno-Sánchez JM, Camarelles-Guillem F, Granados-Garrido JA, Ruiz-Pacheco M, Gámez-Cabero MI, Martínez-Suberviola FJ, Serrano-Serrano E (2019).

Subsidized pharmacological treatment for smoking cessation by the Spanish public health system: A randomized, pragmatic, clinical trial by clusters.

Romero-Rodríguez E, Pérula de Torres LÁ, Leiva-Cepas F, Fernández García JÁ, Fernández López S, Martín-Rabadán Muro M, Camarelles Guillem F, Roldán Villalobos A (2019).

Knowledge, attitudes and preventive practices of primary health care professionals towards alcohol use: A national, cross-sectional study.

PLOS ONE. Article. 14(5).
Iglesias Sanmartín JM, Furio Martinez A, Clemente Jiménez L, Barchilon Cohen V, Minué-Lorenzo C, Cascon Perez-Teijon S, Ribera Osca JA, Cordoba Garcia R, Lozano Fernandez J, Gallardo Domenech MA, Mendiguren Navascues MA, Salguero Chaves E, Rodriguez Ibañez ML, Gueto Rubio V, Morena Rayo S, Marioni Otero B, Gorreto Lopez L, Camarelles Guillem F, Martin Fuente F, Beni Ruiz D, Hernández Rodríguez AI, Gonzalez JD, Martin-Cantera C (2019).

Attitudes towards anti-smoking legislation and prevalence of tobacco consumption in Spanish primary healthcare personnel.

Tobacco Prevention & Cessation. Article. 5:9-9.


Córdoba García R, Camarelles Guillem F, Muñoz Seco E, Gómez Puente JM, José Arango JS, Ramírez Manent JI, Martín Cantera C, Campo Giménez MD, Revenga Frauca J, Grupo de Educación Sanitaria y Promoción de la Salud del PAPPS (2018).

Recomendaciones sobre el estilo de vida. Actualizacón PAPPS 2018.

ATENCION PRIMARIA. Article. 50 Suppl 1:29-40.
Camarelles Guillem F (2018).

Los retos de la prevención y promoción de la salud, y los del PAPPS.

ATENCION PRIMARIA. Editorial Material. 50 Suppl 1:1-2.


Castillejo MM, Fernández JC, Mascort Roca J, Rodriguez-Moñino AP (2017).

Primary care and detection of colorectal cancer

ATENCION PRIMARIA. Editorial Material. 49(10):565-567.
Jiménez-Garcia R, Lopez-de-Andres A, Hernandez-Barrera V, Gómez-Campelo P, San Andrés-Rebollo FJ, de Burgos-Lunar C, Cárdenas-Valladolid J, Abánades-Herranz JC, Salinero-Fort MA (2017).

Influenza vaccination in people with type 2 diabetes, coverage, predictors of uptake, and perceptions. Result of the MADIABETES cohort a 7 years follow up study

VACCINE. Article. 35(1):101-108.


Olano-Espinosa E, Minué-Lorenzo C (2016).

``Do not do'' also as regards tobacco

ATENCION PRIMARIA. Article. 48(7):493-499.
Salinero-Fort MÁ, San Andrés-Rebollo FJ, de Burgos-Lunar C, Abánades-Herranz JC, Carrillo-de-Santa-Pau E, Chico-Moraleja RM, Jiménez-García R, López-de-Andrés A, Gómez-Campelo P, MADIABETES Group (2016).

Cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the MADIABETES Cohort Study: Association with chronic kidney disease



Córdoba R, Camarelles F, Muñoz E, Gómez J, Díaz D, Ramírez JI, López A, Cabezas C (2014).

Recomendaciones sobre el estilo de vida.

ATENCION PRIMARIA. Article. 46 Suppl 4:16-23.
Camarelles Guillem F (2014).

The blog Educacionpapps turns 3

ATENCION PRIMARIA. Editorial Material. 46(5):227-228.
Arrieta F, Piñera M, Iglesias P, Nogales P, Salinero-Fort MA, Abanades JC, Botella-Carretero JI, Calañas A, Balsa JA, Zamarrón I, Rovira A, Vázquez C, ESD2 Group (2014).

Metabolic control and chronic complications during a 3-year follow-up period in a cohort of type 2 diabetic patients attended in primary care in the Community of Madrid (Spain).



Salinero-Fort MÁ, San Andrés-Rebollo FJ, de Burgos-Lunar C, Arrieta-Blanco FJ, Gómez-Campelo P, MADIABETES Group (2013).

Four-Year Incidence of Diabetic Retinopathy in a Spanish Cohort: The MADIABETES Study

PLOS ONE. Article. 8(10).
Olano-Espinosa E, Matilla-Pardo B, Minué C, Antón E, Gómez-Gascón T, Ayesta FJ (2013).

Effectiveness of a Health Professional Training Program for Treatment of Tobacco Addiction

NICOTINE & TOBACCO RESEARCH. Article. 15(10):1682-1689.
Camarelles F, Tranche S, Muñoz E, Gómez JM (2013).

SemFYC Self-Care Week

ATENCION PRIMARIA. Editorial Material. 45(5):229-230.
Camarelles Guillem, Francisco, Dalmau Gonzalez-Gallarza, Regina, Clemente Jimenez, Lourdes, Diaz-Maroto Munoz, Jose Luis, Lozano Polo, Adelaida, Pinet Ogue, Maria Cristina, Grp Colaborador Comite Nacl Preven (2013).

Consensus report for the clinical care of smoking cessation in Spain

MEDICINA CLINICA. Editorial Material. 140(6):272-272.


Cordoba Garcia, Rodrigo, Camarelles Guillem, Francisco, Lizarbe Alonso, Vicenta, Jimenez Munoz, Maria (2012).

Tackling the risk of alcohol consumption from primary care

ATENCION PRIMARIA. Editorial Material. 44(11):635-637.
de Burgos-Lunar C, Gómez-Campelo P, Cárdenas-Valladolid J, Fuentes-Rodríguez CY, Granados-Menéndez MI, López-López F, Salinero-Fort MA, MADIABETES Group (2012).

Effect of depression on mortality and cardiovascular morbidity in type 2 diabetes mellitus after 3 years follow up. The DIADEMA study protocol

BMC PSYCHIATRY. Article. 12:95-95.
Marzo-Castillejo, M., Mascort Roca, J., Pastor Rodriguez-Monino, A. (2012).

Are we convinced of our role in the prevention and early detection of colorectal cancer?

ATENCION PRIMARIA. Editorial Material. 44(6):303-305.
Córdoba R, Cabezas C, Camarelles F, Gómez J, Herráez DD, López A, Muñoz E, Navarro B, Ramírez JI, Marqués F (2012).

Recomendaciones sobre el estilo de vida.

ATENCION PRIMARIA. Article. 44 Suppl 1:16-22.
Brotons C, Bulc M, Sammut MR, Sheehan M, Manuel da Silva Martins C, Björkelund C, Drenthen AJ, Duhot D, Görpelioglui S, Jurgova E, Keinanen-Kiukkanniemi S, Kotányi P, Markou V, Moral I, Mortsiefer A, Pas L, Pichler I, Sghedoni D, Tataradze R, Thireos E, Valius L, Vuchak J, Collins C, Cornelis E, Ciurana R, Kloppe P, Mierzecki A, Nadaraia K, Godycki-Cwirko M (2012).

Attitudes toward preventive services and lifestyle: the views of primary care patients in Europe. The EUROPREVIEW patient study

FAMILY PRACTICE. Article. 29(1):168-176.
Cortés Rubio JA, Costa Zamora Mdel P (2012).

Effective measures for inefficient

ATENCION PRIMARIA. Letter. 44(3):179-180.
Morillas JD, Castells A, Oriol I, Pastor A, Pérez-Segura P, Echevarría JM, Caballero B, González-Navarro A, Bandrés F, Brullet E, Iniesta A, Carballo F, Bouzas R, Ariza A, Ibisate A, García-Alfonso P, Escudero B, Camacho S, Fernández-Marcos A, González T, Quintero E, Lanas A, Marzo M, Mascort J, Andréu M, Cerezo L, Vázquez-Sequeiros E, Borrás JM, Salas D, Ascunce N, Portillo I, Herráiz M, Valle ML, Sotoca A, Nieto S, Hué C, Paz-Ares L, en representación de la Alianza para la Prevención del Cáncer de Colon en España (2012).

The Alliance for the Prevention of Colorectal Cancer in Spain. A civil commitment to society

Egocheaga MI, Alcázar R, Lobos JM, Górriz JL, Martínez-Castelao A, Pastor A, Martínez I, Caballero F, Sánchez-Celaya M (2012).

Awareness and implementation in daily practice of the S.E.N.-semFYC consensus document on chronic kidney disease

NEFROLOGIA. Article. 32(6):797-808.


Pastor Rodriguez-Monino, Ana, Basora i Gallisa, Josep (2011).

Primary care physicians forum

ATENCION PRIMARIA. Editorial Material. 43(11):563-564.
Benejam, Josep M. Coll, Grp Trabajo Autonomia Gestion (2011).

Freedom of management: Our last chance?

ATENCION PRIMARIA. Editorial Material. 43(9):455-456.
Cabezas, Carmen, Advani, Mamta, Puente, Diana, Rodriguez-Blanco, Teresa, Martin, Carlos (2011).

Effectiveness of a stepped primary care smoking cessation intervention: cluster randomized clinical trial (ISTAPS study)

ADDICTION. Article. 106(9):1696-1706.
Puente, Diana, Cabezas, Carmen, Rodriguez-Blanco, Teresa, Fernandez-Alonso, Carmen, Cebrian, Transito, Torrecilla, Miguel, Clemente, Lourdes, Martin, Carlos (2011).

The role of gender in a smoking cessation intervention: a cluster randomized clinical trial

BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. Article. 11(369):369-369.
Grandes, Gonzalo, Sanchez, Alvaro, Montoya, Imanol, Ortega Sanchez-Pinilla, Ricardo, Torcal, Jesus, PEPAF Grp (2011).

Two-Year Longitudinal Analysis of a Cluster Randomized Trial of Physical Activity Promotion by General Practitioners

PLOS ONE. Article. 6(3).
Del-Cura Gonzalez, Isabel, Garcia-de-Blas Gonzalez, Francisca, Sanz Cuesta, Teresa, Martin Fernandez, Jesus, Del-Alamo Rodriguez, Justo M., Escriva Ferrairo, Rosa A., De-Hoyos Alonso, M. del Canto, Balsalobre Arenas, Laura, Rodriguez Barrientos, Ricardo, Ceresuela Wiesmann, Elisa, De-Alba Romero, Cristina, Gines Diaz, Yolanda, Rodríguez-Moñino AP, Gutierrez Teira, Blanca, Sanchez-Celaya del Pozo, Marta, Fernandez Horcajuelo, Jesus, Rojas Giraldo, Maria J., Cubero Gonzalez, Paulino, Vello Cuadrado, Rocio A., Lopez Uriarte, Beatriz, Sanchez Yepes, Jeannet, Hernando Sanz, Yolanda, Iglesias Pineiro, M. Jose, Tudanca Hernandez, Susana, Gallardo Alonso, Fernando, Gonzalez Gonzalez, Ana I., Simon Fernandez, Alicia, Carballo, Carmen, Rey Lopez, Ana, Morales, Fernanda, Martinez Lopez, Dolores, Grp PRESEVAC (2011).

Patient preferences and treatment safety for uncomplicated vulvovaginal candidiasis in primary health care

BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. Article. 11(63):63-63.
Olano Espinosa, Eduardo, Minue Lorenzo, Cesar, Ayesta Ayesta, Francisco Javier (2011).

Pharmacotherapies for nicotine dependence: review of scientific evidence. Spanish Society of Smoking Specialists: recommendations about election and individualization

MEDICINA CLINICA. Article. 136(2):79-83.
Brotons, Carlos, Soriano, Nuria, Moral, Irene, Rodrigo, Maria P., Kloppe, Pilar, Rodriguez, Ana I., Gonzalez, Maria L., Arino, Dolores, Orozco, Domingo, Buitrago, Francisco, Pepio, Josep M., Borras, Isabel (2011).

Randomized Clinical Trial to Assess the Efficacy of a Comprehensive Programme of Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in General Practice: The PREseAP Study



Minue Lorenzo, Cesar, Olano Espinosa, Eduardo, Vizcaino Sanchez-Rodrigo, Jose (2010).

Why must we support the laws on smoke free zones?

ATENCION PRIMARIA. Editorial Material. 42(5):251-252.
Conthe Gutierrez, Pedro, Garcia Alegria, Javier, Pujol Farriols, Ramon, Alfageme Michavilla, Inmaculada, Artola Menendez, Sara, Barba Martin, Raquel, Canones Garzon, Pedro Javier, Casado Perez, Paloma, de Alvaro Moreno, Fernando, Escosa Royo, Luis, Jovell Fernandez, Albert, Leon Gil, Cristobal, Lisbona Gil, Arturo, Marquez Vazquez, Raul, Pastor Rodriguez-Monino, Ana, Perez Martinez, David A. (2010).

Consenso para la elaboración del informe de alta hospitalaria en especialidades médicas.

MEDICINA CLINICA. Editorial Material. 134(11):505-510.